Saturday, September 21, 2013

No more Confuse in One's & Two's

This is mainly about something in 2D animation

Something that didn't make sense to me when i first heard faster action should be animated on One's. so I thought , "well will not more drawings slow it down."
Then I realize since we're not adding time.the Frames stay the same, same we're just putting more images to connect the action

One's :- one drawing for each frame of film.
Two's :- one drawing held for each two frames of film.

The Rule of thumb :- Use 2's for normal actions 
                                Use 1's for very fast actions
like instance,runs always have to be on 1's & normal action,dialogues on 2's.

Obviously, life is on One's, but Two's work well for most actions and of course it's half as much as doing it on One's and half as expensive.
Working on One's is twice as much work & expense all the way down the production line but result is Tree times better than Two's.
Computer Animators have everything on One's,with perfect inbetweens & it hasn't diminished the appeal of their work rather the reverse. Two's tire the eye after a few minutes.

Twos work - Ones Fly !   

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